Handling Diabetes in Public
Good evening, Type 1 Warriors! It's been a while, but I'm back and ready with lots of stuff I want to talk about! There's a lot I want to cover, but for today let's start with handling diabetes in public. Asking for a Nutrition Guide You have to have a carb count for what you eat, there's nothing that you can do about it. You shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask a restaurant for nutrition information. The employees at the restaurant that you're at won't be upset or annoyed. It's their job to serve the customers! If anyone gives you a problem about it, which they shouldn't, then you should arrange a chat with their manager. Keep in mind, restaurants WANT you to eat at their facility, not the competitions'! They will do whatever they can to make you comfortable. If they don't have a nutrition guide, then you can either estimate a carb count and be prepared to deal with lows and highs later, or go ...