The One That's Not About Diabetes

Having read the title of this post, you might be a little confused. This blog is about diabetes. That's the topic! I'd bet that all my readers either have diabetes or are related to/friends with someone with the condition. But I was sitting in front of my laptop today, thinking about what the heck I was going to write about, and I blanked. Nothing all that interesting diabetes-wise has happened to me this week. No supernatural phenomenon has opened my eyes to a brand new way of life. But this blog is about diabetes, right? So I had to think of something to write about concerning diabetes that I haven't written about before and is captivating. I got nothing. Then I realized that diabetes affects a lot of aspects, scratch that, pretty much every single aspect of my life. It affects everything I eat, any activities I do, my family, my friends, my health, my body, the way I think, the way I act. From the moment of my diagnosis, not a day has passed that I've been able ...