Diabetes + Summer

As June quickly approaches, the weather is (for the most part anyway) getting warmer and school is almost over! Hallelujah! With rising temperatures and days of freedom ahead, T1Diabetics everywhere will undoubtedly be enjoying the great outdoors. Swimming, hiking, biking, camping, rollerskating/skateboarding, jogging, soccer, softball -- you name it, I think everyone is ready for the great activities summer brings. All the time we'll be spending in the heat doing physical activities is going to mean lower blood sugar levels. The heat obviously has a different effect on every individual Type 1, but for me personally it means that my blood sugar levels drop considerably. And physical exertion does the same for all Type 1's in sending us low. If your blood sugars are already lower, one way to help prevent hypoglycemia (I am obviously not a doctor and any suggestions I give are not meant to be taken as medical advisement. Each individual must speak with his/her medi...