Diabetes + Summer from a T1DMom's Perspective
Note from Anne ~ This post was written by my lovely mother who was more than happy to share some of her experience of parenting a T1Diabetic teen with an active lifestyle in summer. Many thanks to her and please enjoy! We are two and a half years into this adventure, now, and we have just begun our third summer of fun with type 1! Now, I can only speak to our own specific experiences in dealing with the extra activity, the effects of heat, and the excitement of more time with friends that summer brings because every person’s response to these factors is different. I will focus not on specific advice but rather the guiding principles I use to make sure we continue to follow our golden rule – kid first, diabetes second. Anne is one busy person, in general, but summer brings new opportunities to be out in the world, and she takes advantage of as many as she can - volunteering at different camps, going out with friends, camping out in the “boonies” of Haliburton with her Scout tr...