
Showing posts from January, 2021

Shaking the Table: House of Cards

 Hello bright and beautiful internet! I am highly aware of the fact that it has been many moons since I last posted, and I duly apologize. I have no worthy excuse, except that I'm in high school and consider myself to be a good student, and therefore I like to live up to that standard by actually committing myself to studying/attending class/doing homework, all of which takes up time and physical/mental energy that I would otherwise devote to this, my most treasured blog. (also I've been kind of busy with advocacy stuff, too)  So in conclusion, sorry I've been MIA, but yeah, what's to be done about it? Let us all simply go forth, allow bygones to be bygones, and jump right into the fifth and final post of House of Cards: A Series!  If you've forgotten what House of Cards is about in the four months it's been since my last post (which I wouldn't blame you for - again, so sorry it's been so long!), please feel free to get caught up by reading  House of Car...