6 Stupid Things People Say to Type 1 Diabetics

Good afternoon. This post is about 6 Stupid Things People Say to Type 1 Diabetics, and before I start with the list, let me say this:

The opinions that I state in this post are only my opinions. I am not stating my opinions to bring others down or offend anyone at all. Please do not let my opinions change or effect yours, and if there are any concerns please email me about it. I also understand that people say certain things about diabetes and supposedly "better ways to manage it" with my well-being at heart, and I'm thankful for their concern, but sometimes the information that they present is just incorrect.

1. You can't eat that, you're diabetic!

Yes, I'm a diabetic. No, that doesn't stop me from eating what I want. My Grandmother's 75th birthday was yesterday, and I had more cake than my grandmother. Just because I have to take insulin for my food doesn't mean that I can't eat. This one is particularly frustrating because it requires a lot of explanation to the uninformed person who has assumed that you have Type 2 Diabetes, which is SO different than Type 1. This will definitely be something that you deal with until a cure is found.

2. I found a carb-less recipe for you!

Again, yes I have diabetes. No, that doesn't mean that I can't have carbs! This one does happen to me a lot and I constantly find myself explaining it to people. If you want to make me food, that is fine with me. But don't bother with making it carb-less, just tell me how many carbs are in it so that I can dose for it. 

3. My Grandpa has diabetes, too!

Ok, hold it right there. His diabetes is, believe it or not, different than my diabetes. I have Type 1 Diabetes which is defined as: "A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin." He most likely has Type 2 Diabetes which is defined as: "A long-term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin." There you go! Different. 

4. Can I watch you test your blood? OMG THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD!!!

What I don't understand is why people ask to watch you test your blood, and then freak out because there is blood. What did you think was going to come out of my finger, rainbow sparkles? Why did you even ask to see me test myself if you're scared of blood? If you're trying to be supportive and included in my struggles, then that's sweet and I'm grateful for your concern, but there are other ways to do it. So thanks, but no thanks.

5. Really? You have diabetes?? But you're so skinny!

This goes back to having to explain why Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are different. Babies get diagnosed with T1D, they're not overweight! I was diagnosed with T1D, I'm not overweight! One time, a friend of mine was talking to another friend he had and I overheard him saying, "Then the skinniest person I know tells me that she has diabetes!" I remember thinking to myself about how wrong he was. And he was wrong! But that is a conversation that I will have to have with him another day.

6. I found the cure to diabetes! Eat cinnamon.

Ugh. Out of all six items on this list, this is the most annoying one. I have had multiple people come up to me and tell me that I should be eating cinnamon because it helps with diabetes. Studies have been done on this subject, showing that cinnamon is possibly effective in Type 2 Diabetics, but, and I quote, "Cinnamon isn't effective for improving glycaemic control in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes." And, if cinnamon actually did cure T1D, then I'm sure we'd all be eating it already.

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas! 

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Today's question of the day is... (drum roll please)...

What is the most annoying thing that anyone has ever said to you regarding diabetes or diabetes management? Please comment down below!


  1. "You have to count your carbs every day, for everything that you eat? I couldn't do that!" My answer to them is: "If your life depended on it, then hell yes you would."


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