Dear Diabetes, You Suck!

Dear Diabetes, 

You suck! When I think of you I think about pain and frustration. You provide me with such struggles, I can't thank you enough. You make me high and low, emotional, and you threaten my life on a daily basis. To give you credit for everything that you've thrown upon me, I went to the trouble of making a list for you. 

When my stomach hurts and I don't feel like eating at all, you drop my blood sugar and force me to eat. Then after I make myself sick by eating to please you (and go high), you reward me by stabbing me with a needle to bring my blood sugar back down. I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge all the times you gave me the pleasure of waking up at 3 am to treat a low blood sugar - you've certainly helped me to appreciate sleeping in.

When I go out in public, you are the reason for all of the staring, comments, and judgements that I must deal with. You are the mastermind behind the plot to keep me from enjoying three Timbits from Tim Hortons, and congratulations you've succeeded! Now, thanks to you, I can enjoy only one precious Timbit and even that sends me high at night. 

I don't have to worry about having a wonderful night's sleep because you interrupt it with the beeping of your meter. And speaking of your meter, I'm pretty sure it has absorbed half the blood in my body. No lie, it's starting to scare me. 

And hey, Halloween is coming up, but I don't need a costume. I'll be the crazy lady with the polka-dot fingers! And speaking of Halloween, wanna hear something spooky? I have a dead organ floating around my body, so that makes me part zombie. Talk about a Halloween costume!

In conclusion, you have definitely changed my life. I have gained a new sense of bravery, responsibility, and independence through you, and that's something that I never would've gotten otherwise. So for that, I'd like to thank you.

Your 24/7 Servant,

Thanks for reading this week's post of That Stupid Pancreas!

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Today's question of the day is....

Is there anything that you might have gained from having diabetes? A new friend? Overcoming your fear of needles/blood? Comment down below!


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