Celebrating Your Dia-versary!

Happy New Year, Type 1 Warriors! 

I am exactly 31 days away from celebrating my 1 Year Dia-versary. I've learned a lot about Type 1 Diabetes since my diagnosis on January 31, 2017. But I've also uncovered a lot about myself, too.

 Strength that I never knew I possessed, or would need to acquire. Bravery to face terrible challenges, every day, with no breaks. Tolerance to deal with nasty comments and false judgements.

I realized just how much I love my family and friends. They have comforted me, supported me, and listened to my rants from Day 1, and having their support has made this whole disease easier to navigate.

When I think of the day before diagnosis, I remember going about my normal life. Or at least what I thought was normal. Art class, Scouts, and school; yes, those things are normal.

Finishing 4 water bottles a day, losing weight without changing my eating habits, and getting up to use the washroom 3 times a night; those things aren't.

I remember sitting in the hospital waiting room the next day, confused and slightly afraid. I remember meeting my endocrinologist, dietitian, and nurse. I remember them explaining my new rules for survival.

I remember thinking, Oh. My. God. 

I don't know about you, but I feel that there is a whole lot of stuff to remember. So many things to do. So many needles, measurements, and doses. Pump site changes, hospital visits, and restrictions.

We serve diabetes 24/7, and we don't really get a break. Ever. Diabetes is a full time job, and we don't get a holiday. Even lawyers, teachers, and doctors get holidays.

You might be thinking, where is she going with this? Is she trying to depress me?

If you are thinking that, then stop it. I'm not finished yet. Let me finish.


Look at all of the things that we do! I'd bet that you know at least 3 people who faint when they have to take needles.

At least 5 people who get nauseous when they see blood.

At least 4 people who are terrified of going to the hospital.

We do all three of those things and a heck of a lot more. We DESERVE to be celebrated!

Yes, it is true that 'celebrating your dia-versary' can be interpreted as celebrating the day that marks that you've had diabetes for a certain number of years. That is completely fine.

But I choose to recognize my dia-versary as a day that marks how many years I've had the disease, and the fact that I got through it with good grace.

So in 31 days, I will probably have a little celebration with my family. Not celebrating the disease, but the fact that I, a normal teenage girl, overcame it.

I overcame it, I didn't lose who I was, and I'm still a normal girl.

Sorry, not a normal girl.


I'm not going to let diabetes control my life, stop me from eating pizza, or dampen my spirit. Not today. Not ever.

This is me today. The smile is not always on my face. Sometimes diabetes gets me down, but I always get up again. 

Happy New Year, Type 1 Warriors! I hope that it is filled with love, laughter, family, friends, and awesome blood sugars.

And when I say Type 1 Warriors, I mean it. You, yes you, are facing a stupid disease every day, and not letting it overpower you, so you deserve the name! You're just that awesome!

So if you are having champagne at any New Years parties tonight, when the toasts are made, you can add to them. If they are saying,"Here's to a great new year!" or "Here's to family, love, and new memories!"

You can say to yourself, "Here's to me." Because you are a wonderful, hard-working person who is most definitely worth it.

Here's to you!

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

If there are any questions/comments/concerns please don't hesitate to email me about them here!

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Till next week, Type 1 Warriors!


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