My 1 Year Diaversary!

Good morning, Type 1 Warriors! Yesterday was my 1 Year Diaversary, and I could't be more proud of myself. You're probably thinking very modest, Anne, but I really am! As I've said to you guys before, I wasn't celebrating the fact that I got this disease, because that would just be weird, but I was celebrating something else.

       If you were to tell me on January 30 last year that I was going to be living with this disease, then I would not have believed you. I never would've imagined living the life that I am today. But diabetes is my new normal, and I've gotten used to it. It's a part of who I am now, and in a way I'm sort of thankful for it. 

The poking, taping, ripping and testing, not so much. But the strength and bravery that I have gained, the friendships that I've been blessed with, and the fact that I can still do and eat basically anything that I want, those are the things that I am really thankful for. I'm especially thankful for my family and friends who have supported me on this journey.

I'm so happy that I survived this roller coaster. That is what I was really celebrating yesterday. The fact that I was diagnosed with this terrible disease that could have very easily ruined my life, but I didn't let it. I got thought it with good grace and high spirits, and I didn't lose myself in the process.

Yes, there have been days where I wanted to punch diabetes in the face, but there have also been good days. Days where everything went right, and I felt so incredibly proud of myself for not letting diabetes win. I wish I could say that I feel like that all the time, but I would be lying.

Diabetes SUCKS! I've said it before, I'll say it again. There have been times when I felt angry at... I don't even know who, but just angry that this happened to me. I've imagined what my life could be like if I didn't have to measure my food, or have to wear sensors and machines on my body. 

I've imagined what it would be like to not have my friends be disgusted by things that I have to do, or have to eat when I don't want to, or deal with sensor failures in the middle of the night, and let me tell you the life that I've imagined is very different from the life that I live now. 

But although I don't have diabetes in that dream, there are other things that I don't have, too. The friends that I met at Diabetes Camp,  my close relationships with my siblings that really grew around diagnosis, and my overall love for the things that I can still do.

Yes, I hate this disease and am, how do I put this? VERY VERY VERY EXCITED for when there is finally a cure, but until that day comes, I'll be alright. I'll survive. I believe that all of us T1D Warriors are the living example that what doesn't kill you does in fact make you stronger, just like in the song. 

These pictures are all representing diabetes challenges that I've faced and overcome this past year.

Trying a new pump infusion site

Trying the Freestyle Libre

 Trying another new pump infusion site

Going to Diabetes Camp for the first time!

Switching back from the Freestyle Libre to the Dexcom G5

Insulin Pump Information Session!!! 

Trying the Freestyle Libre for the first time EVER! 

The first time I SUCCESSFULLY did a carb estimation!!!

My first Halloween with T1D

Low-Carb Baking!!!

My first Christmas with T1D

 Taking MDI for the first time by myself

Doing my own shots again after having my parents do it for months

Getting my A1C in target! 7.4!!!

My diagnosis on January 31, 2017. 

Those pictures represent the little victories that allowed me to have good days among the bad. The challenges that I overcame which gave me the wonderful feelings of unquenchable joy. Every time I didn't let diabetes get me down, it felt better than punching diabetes in the face ever would. 

So, because it's completely alright to have bad days, but we also know that there are good days, I challenge you to make the best of whatever happens. Don't let diabetes get you down, and if it does, then always get back up! These pictures are my success story, what is yours? I challenge you to find out. 

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

If there are any questions/comments/concerns then please don't hesitate to email me here!

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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