Deciphering Diabetes Slang
I was at my friend's house yesterday, and I was wearing this shirt: My friend's older sister (who didn't know that I have Type 1) read my shirt and was really confused. This made me realize that a lot of the things some of my diabetic friends and myself say about our supplies and condition is probably confusing to people who don't know that we have Type 1. So, to help the general public understand what we are talking about, this week's post is a key to help decipher our diabetes slang. 1. D-bag = diabetes bag When I say diabetes bag, I'm referring to the bag I take everywhere with me that carries all of my diabetes supplies like my sugar tablets and insulin and test strips and stuff. 2. Diaversary = diabetes anniversary Your diaversary is the anniversary of the day you were diagnosed with Type 1. 3. Diabesties = diabetic friends Friends you make who have Type 1 as well as you! 4. Poker = not a card game When a T1Diabeti...