Celebratory Playlists

You know those moments where you just overcame something HUGE and imaginary fireworks explode and victory music blasts out of invisible speakers and you're jumping around celebrating your own awesomeness? Or when you're about to try something that you've never done before and you're sort of nervous but you're mostly ready to kick butt? Or you've hit rock bottom and you're ready to pick yourself back up and keep fighting? All of those moments are really important because they help shape who you are, who you want to be.


Whenever I have one of those kinds of moments, I listen to music. Words can affect people a lot more than one would think; they can have a very profound positive effect. Singing and listening to music is a good way to express yourself and the way you are feeling, and it can also get you pumped up (pun intended) for things you need strength for. This is a list of the songs I listen to when I've done something awesome and am celebrating, when I feel pumped up for a fight, and when I need a little pumping up.

Celebratory Victory Songs:

Fight Songs:

Get Back Up Songs:

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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