Diabetes + Thanksgiving Carb Counting

This Sunday, for Canadians, at least, is Thanksgiving. This means food, family, and memories to be made. Awesome, right! Yeah, exactly. There are no negatives to this. Food is amazing as always, family can get on your nerves but you know you love them, and memories are always great. Today's post is a list of carb counts for typical Thanksgiving-gy foods (and also some not-so-Thanksgving-gy foods, too) to help you enjoy this holiday without worrying about having to guesstimate carbs.

You're welcome.

Oh, don't be offended or alarmed, but I actually really dislike about half of the foods on this list. Just a warning. Okay, moving on!

1 cup of mashed potatoes - roughly 25 carbs

Any amount of turkey - free. Basically any meat or cheese is free.

Half a cup of gravy - about 4-6 carbs depending on the kind of gravy.

1 cup of peas - roughly 10-15 carbs. I don't like peas alone, but they taste great mixed in with potatoes! Of course, when I say "mixed in", I mean lost inside them like buried treasure so that I don't have to taste them but I can say "I ate my vegetables, time for dessert now."

mushrooms - free as heck! Not like that helps me at all, though, as I don't like mushrooms.

A cup of chopped or sliced carrots - 12 carbs. Although, I don't understand why anybody would need the carb count for this food specifically, as it tastes like feet. That's only my opinion, though. You do you! 

A cup of chopped broccoli - 6 carbs. This is one of the few things on this list that is good for you that I love with a PASSION!

salad - free! The dressing is another story, but nutrition information for that should be listed on the packaging somewhere.

1 whole pumpkin pie or apple pie - typically the whole pie is roughly 300 carbs, but the amount per piece varies  on how many piece you cut. I would give my life for pie. Just joking! But seriously, pie is amazing. :)

A large cinnamon roll - roughly 50-70 carbs depending on how much glaze and filling there is in it. These things are DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (times 100 more exclamation marks.)

A slice of chocolate chip banana bread - roughly 25-30 carbs. When it comes to banana bread, my rule is 'the more chocolate, the better'.

A small disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a carb-counting specialist (if that's a thing. Or is that part of what a dietitian does???) You know what, let's go with this: I'm not an expert on this. These are the carb counts that I use for when I eat this stuff (Obviously I don't eat all of it though, as I don't like all of it) but as you can see there are a lot of 'roughly's' in this post. Trust your own instincts over mine when making dosing decisions PLEASE! I don't want to be the reason you go high or low on Thanksgiving.

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas! 

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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