My 2nd Diaversary

Yesterday was the second anniversary of my diagnosis, otherwise known as my 2nd diaversary (diabetes anniversary).

I know that some people celebrate their diaversaries and some people don't, and I respect that, but I take joy and pride in celebrating mine.

Sometimes people ask me why I celebrate it, and I always say pretty much the same thing. I don't celebrate being diagnosed; I celebrate having lived my life with courage and strength despite being diagnosed.

I celebrate overcoming challenges, and the small victories.

Speaking of small victories...

Sledding backwards on my first diaversary

Winter Scout Camp (super active)

Turning 13

Going exploring with my brothers 

oh, pizza...

I am greater than my highs and lows

 Spring Scout Camp 😄😄

The Sun Life Walk to Cure Diabetes for JDRF

Climbing rocks and singing

Climbing haystacks and playing with my brother

Going away to camp and having a great time

JDRF Kids For a Cure Lobby Day

JDRF Kids For a Cure Lobby Day

JDRF fundraising gala

Making wishes at 11:11

Finding a new pump site

My second diaversary surprise cake :)

I celebrate my diaversary to celebrate the accomplishments I've made, the goals I've set for myself, and the expectations that I have exceeded despite my condition. Even if you don't celebrate your diaversaries, you do need to celebrate yourself. Because what we do on a day-to-day basis? We deserve to be celebrated for it. It's hard. And it's unfair. Yet, every day, we wake up to fight the same demons we left so tired the night before. And we do it with grace, and a smile on our face. And that is what strength is.

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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