Diabetes Low Snacks + Harry Potter Rants

For this post I'm going to be talking about one of my favourite things and one of my not-so-favourite things - Harry Potter and Type 1 diabetes.

You ask: how are those two things connected? 

My answer to that would be, quite simply, that they are not connected in the slightest.

So why am I talking about both? Well, the answer to that is also quite simple. I really wanted to make sure I write a blog post this week as I didn't have time to write one last week. As you know, this blog is about diabetes, therefore this post has to talk about diabetes in some way, shape, or form, right? But I can't focus on talking about diabetes when my mind is on Harry Potter. I've been thinking about it literally all day, actually all week. I've tried to stop thinking about it, but I've realized there's just no point in that, so I'm going to write about both.

So, my quest for this post is to find some way that Harry Potter intertwines with Type 1 diabetes. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

(*fifty minutes later*)

Yeah, I got nothing. Well, if I can't talk about both of them at the same time, then I'll talk about them separately. Here we go!

First: let's talk about Type 1 diabetes.

As T1diabetics are told, when you go low, eat 15 carbs to bring you back up into range. So that's what we do.Well, sometimes I eat more than 15 carbs (*sheepish grin*) but you know... you eat carbs, right? Some people eat sugar tablets, some people have juice, some people have granola bars, some have skittles. Personally, I eat anything I can see.

Here is a list of some of my favourite low snacks!

My Favourite Low Snacks


2. cake

3. chocolate


5. Skittles

6. chocolate bars (maybe this falls under the 'chocolate' category but oh well)

7. hot chocolate (that could go under 'chocolate' as well I suppose)

8. pancakes

9. Nutella (could count as a 'chocolate byproduct' sort of, I guess?? I'm sorry, okay?? I like chocolate!)

10. donuts

11. Timbits

12. basically any junk food within a six meter radius

Next, let's talk about Harry Potter.

I am currently in a bit of an "obsessed with Harry Potter" phase (although, if we're all being completely honest with ourselves. is there ever really a time when I'm not?). I am currently in the process of rereading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I've watched both Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 today. I am constantly thinking about book-to-movie inconsistencies, going on rants about Book Ginny Weasley versus Movie Ginny Weasley (oh my goodness I could talk about that for days), and overall I am just addicted.

There are so many things I could talk about, ranging from plot holes to fan theories to the ever-constant was Snape good or bad argument, I'm having trouble deciding what to talk about first.

I think I'll tackle Book Ginny versus Movie Ginny.

(*sighs and clenches jaw*)

Okay, here we go.

Right off the bat, let me say that I think Bonnie Wright (actress of Ginny Weasley) was the perfect person to bring Ginny Weasley to life, and she did a great job with the character she was given. She wasn't what I have a problem with.

The character she was given is what I have a problem with. 

Let me clear something up: the Harry Potter movies completely changed Ginny Weasley's character. Yes, she is still Ron's younger sister, eventually Harry's wife, and she's the same age and all that. But her actual character is stripped of what makes it beautifully unique and strong, so much so that the Ginny Weasley featured in the movies is a totally different character than the original Ginny Weasley written in the books, and the two characters have been given the names Book Ginny and Movie Ginny to show that difference in character. If that makes any sense. Well even if it doesn't, that's why I am referring to both Book and Movie Ginny as different people.

Moving on!

Book Ginny could only be described as the epitome of Gryffindor. She is sassy, spunky, fierce, strong, funny, always ready with a witty comeback and to show that she doesn't need anyone to protect her. She is funny, she speaks her mind, is not obsessed with Harry! She stands up for herself and for those around her, she is a great friend, and is brave, smart, and kind. She fought her own battles, even fought with the other Houses in the Battle of Hogwarts. She rolled her eyes, didn't wait around for Harry, and continued to live her life. She was a wonderful role model for young girls! Book Ginny showed them that girls can be kind and considerate, but also fierce and brave. She believed in herself and was very confident. My favourite character in the series, if you couldn't tell.

Movie Ginny... (*bangs head against table repeatedly*) oh my actual goodness I cannot even describe what they did to her. She's okay SOMETIMES, but for the most part Movie Ginny is a background character, a wallflower. A girl who just sits around her whole life waiting for Harry to love her back. She's a flat character! All that she is, her whole character, her defining trait is being "Harry's Love Interest." What kind of an example is that for young girls? What kind of message are they getting from that?

Movie Ginny isn't enough of a character to have much screen time, but from what we do get to see from her is the following:

Oh, before you start reading, let me just say that there are many spoilers in that list. THIS IS YOUR OFFICIAL SPOILER ALERT!!

Moving on:

She wishes Harry luck getting into Platform 9 3/4 in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That's good!

She sees Harry at breakfast one morning and awkwardly runs out of the room with wide eyes and a terrified expression on her face in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. That's very awkward, although Book Ginny does those sorts of things in the earlier books.

She stands up to Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Good for her, it's one of the only times you get to see her stand up for someone!

She talks to Harry for a few minutes in the Chamber of Secrets in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but other than that we don't see her for the entire movie. 

Then we skip a whole movie without seeing her at all.

She teases Ron about Viktor Krum in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That's good, now we know she's alive after not seeing her for a whole movie.

She tells Ron that she won't wear his dress robes (long story if you don't know the backstory) in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

She asks Harry what will happen if Umbridge (the foul loathsome evil little cockroach) catches Dumbledore's Army practicing in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

She casts the spell 'Reducto' during a Dumbledore's Army practice and blows up a dummy in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That's actually pretty cool, not gonna lie.

She casts the 'Patronus' charm and produces a full Patronus, which takes the form of a horse, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

She joins the Golden Trio, Luna Lovegood, and Neville Longbottom on their rescue mission for Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

She lets her family know that Harry has arrived and hugs him in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She tells Fred and George that it's none of their business who she's dating in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, which is nice to see because it's one of the only times she has a witty remark of any sort in pretty much the whole movie series.

She takes a Quibbler from Luna Lovegood on the Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I think it's interesting that she only starts to get more screen time when it's convenient for her relationship with Harry 🙄.

Flirtatiously cleans blood off Harry's face in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Ew. 

Tells everyone to shut up so Harry can talk during Quidditch tryouts in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She kisses Dean Thomas (again, ew ew ew) for what seems like a little too long (PDA, honestly!!) in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Shows up at Slughorn's fancy dinner in a pretty sparkly dress that pleases Harry very much (again, she's only getting more screen time because of her relationship with Harry 🙄)

YUCK! BLECH! EW! I'm sorry, but this part always feels SO UNNATURAL!! Anyways, she flirtatiously FEEDS HARRY A PASTRY (EW EW EW) for absolutely NO REASON in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. (That scene isn't even IN the books, it's LITERALLY JUST THERE TO ADD A ROMANTIC SCENE!! Seriously what kind of a message is that giving??)

Okay, calm down, Anne! Deep breaths, deep breaths. Alright, let's keep going with the madness.

She TIES HARRY'S SHOE (as if he can't bend down and DO IT HIMSELF????) and then almost kisses him for no reason in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She runs through a wall of fire to attempt saving Harry from Death Eaters in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, which isn't inside the books, but does seem like something Book Ginny would do, so I don't mind this.

She makes a comment to Harry about Ron and Hermione's relationship in the hospital wing in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She tells Harry to get rid of the Half Blood Prince's book in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She then proceeds to use the whole process of hiding the book to hold Harry's hand and to kiss him (*bangs head against table*) in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She comforts Harry after (SPOILER ALERT BY THE WAY) Dumbledore's death (rest in peace, Dumbledore) in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

She gets Harry to FREAKING ZIP UP HER DRESS and proceeds to KISS HIM FOR LIKE TEN WHOLE SECONDS (I didn't need to see this I didn't need to see this I really did not need to see this) in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

She awkwardly says hi to Harry and stares at him for like ten seconds in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

She stands in front of him when the Slytherins want to hand him over to Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Oh look, she's kissing Harry again during the Battle of Hogwarts (seriously you're all about to die and you're wasting time kissing Harry for no reason) in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

She attempts to charge at Voldemort but is held back when he (SPOILER ALERT AGAIN) reveals Harry's 'dead' body in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

She is fought by Bellatrix Lestrange and saved by her mother (GO MOLLY!!! WOOP WOOP!) who disintegrates Bellatrix in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Skip 18-19 years and Movie Ginny is married to Harry and dropping their children off at Platform 9 3/4 in the epilogue.

With all of those scenes put together, Ginny Weasley gets roughly seven and a half minutes of screen time out of the twenty hours that are the Harry Potter movies.

That is a total of thirty-one times she is featured over eight movies. And that certainly sounds like a lot, but if Book Ginny's character had made it into the movies, I am positive that that number would be a lot higher than thirty-one.

(*deep breaths*)

If you haven't read the Harry Potter series or watched the movie adaptions, then you probably stopped reading as soon as I said "Next, let's talk about Harry Potter." But, if you are still reading right now, then I would most definitely suggest you read the books. Or watch the movies if you aren't a book person. Just know that, if you do decide to only watch the movies, there is so much more to Ginevra Molly Weasley than is shown. So much more.

Also, a great activity for when your BG is low is to watch a Harry Potter movie and chow down on some low snacks, so you don't have an excuse for not watching them. 

One thing I would like to clear up before I finish this post is that I still really loved the Harry Potter movies! I love them so much, they brought one of my favourite series to life and it feels like magic every time I watch them. The Ginny rant I went on is just my opinion, and everyone is of course entitled to have their own about Ginny and about Harry Potter
 as a series. I was just sharing mine.

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

If there are any questions/comments/concerns please don't hesitate to email me about them here.

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


  1. hey its me caleb nice one I totaly agree with you abot the magor diffrences


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