Blank Pages

My favourite thing about a blank page is that it can be turned into anything.

 It can be written into a story of beauty and struggle. 

Into the lyrics of a love song.

Drawn with careful strokes into a picture of loved ones.

The beautiful thing about a blank page is that it can be anything you want it to be. Even something as simple as a letter. Take this blank page for example:

And turn it into this:

Blank Pages and JDRF's #AccessForAll Campaign

I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy advocating on behalf of JDRF in their #AccessForAll campaign! I contribute to the campaign by sharing my story and raising awareness for type 1 through public speaking at various JDRF events as a Boston Pizza Youth Ambassador. There are lots of ways that you can help, too - like filling a blank page with a letter to your local MPP about life with type 1 diabetes.

You can write a letter explaining type 1 diabetes. You can write a letter about factors that affect blood glucose levels. You can write a letter about managing type 1 in school or in the workplace. You can write a letter about how advanced glucose monitoring technologies have made your life safer, healthier, and more carefree (if you already have a CGM or FGM). You can write a letter asking to meet with your local MPP about the importance of government funding for advanced glucose monitoring technologies.

JDRF has many tools on their website to get you in touch with your MPP. You can writecall, or meet with your MPP to talk about the need for fair access to government-funded medical technologies for all Canadians living with type 1 diabetes.

One letter might not seem like much. But what if every type 1 diabetic across Canada wrote a letter? What if even just a third of the type 1's in Canada wrote one? Would MPPs across Canada be able to ignore one hundred thousand letters?

Take advantage of blank pages. Use them.

I will be posting about my advocacy efforts on the behalf on JDRF in their #AccessForAll campaign later in the week, so stay tuned for that if you're interested!

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

If there are any questions/comments/concerns, please don't hesitate to email me about them here!

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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