RIP My Pancreas
I'm sure nobody is keeping track, but in twelve days, I will have lived with type one diabetes for three years. I feel like that statement needs an exclamation point or something with a little bit of emphasis at the end, to illustrate the importance of the subject matter. I'm gonna leave it as a period though. It's not really something I want to shout from the rooftop. Could you imagine if I actually did that, though? Went onto my roof and screamed about how I've had a disease for three years? People would probably think I was crazy. So yeah, a period it shall remain. Moving on!
People sometimes get confused when I try to explain the concept of a diaversary. Which I can understand, I mean, who would celebrate a disease? Not me. That's not what my diaversary is for. It's not a Hooray-I-Got-Diabetes-Let's-Eat-Cake kind of situation. It's more of an acknowledgement of how my life has changed and how I've dealt with it and grown. Growing is kind of your only option. There's a lot you can't control, but you can control how you react. If you getting knocked over is inevitable, how will you get back up? That's something you always have control over, even when everything is changing.
Optimism and Not Thinking About It are key in dealing with life-long illness. You have hope that things will change one day, and that there will be a fix for your condition, but until then, all you can do is wait patiently and try to make something meaningful with your experiences, since you've got to live through them anyway. Learn a little. Might as well do it with some style, right? (*puts pink sunglasses on over regular glasses*)
Anyway, cue the confetti cannons, because I have definitely learned a lot. About type one, about managing a disease, and about myself. I had no idea I could do as much as I have to do every day to survive. But look at me - still going! As fast and as far as my tiny legs will carry me (and I do mean tiny, I'm told I am very short for my age. Oh well, that just means I can fit into tiny hiding spots during hide and seek. Joke's on you, Tall People. But anyway.)
So, thanks to everyone who keeps me going! My parents, my siblings, my friends. Also me. You've got to know how to give yourself credit where credit is due, and to anyone with type one who may or may not be reading this, give yourself a pat on the back, because you're awesome.
Rest In Peace
Robert Pancreas
Now Useless Organ
Till next time, Type One Warriors!
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