#AccessForAll - Hamilton Community Forum

Earlier this week I made the (long) trek out to Hamilton from Toronto (in rush hour, no less!) to share my story at one of the Access For All community events that JDRF Canada is hosting around Ontario, to raise awareness of the need for equal access to the advanced, life-saving and quality of life-improving technologies of CGM’s and FGM’s (if you don't know what a CGM or an FGM is, click here and here to read my posts that talk all about them!).

 (Me doing my speech)

 (Group shot of everyone ready for fair access to medical technologies for everyone living with type 1 diabetes in Canada)

(me with local politician, MPP for Hamilton Mountain, MPP Monique Taylor. It was great to see that she cared enough to be there and learn about type 1 diabetes and why all type 1's should have fair access to lifesaving medical technologies)

I always enjoy sharing my story and advocating for fellow type 1’s, and last night was great for that.  I also learned about some of the great studies being done out of McGill on different closed-loop systems – it’s always good to hear about the work that is being done to help our lives get better – and just that there is work being done! – and the focus of one of the studies was especially interesting.  In that study, they are looking at using a closed loop system to improve quality of life, as opposed to just controlling blood sugars, by removing the need to count carbs at meal times. 

One of the most impactful parts of the event was the Q & A time after the presentations.  Many very invested parents of type 1’s and type 1’s themselves had some questions.  It quickly became clear that adults living with the disease are struggling to afford CGM’s and FGM’s, worried about how they will continue to afford them if they lose their present jobs, or when they retire; one person even said he is scared to retire, because he doesn’t know how he will then be able to continue to afford his CGM, and he doesn’t know how he can live without it anymore.  

And then there were the parents of type 1’s – mothers who have started petitions to bring to the government, so that these devices can be covered for their kids, because they don’t want them to be limited in their future, having to choose a job because the benefits plan covers CGM’s.  I get it.  My mom is an entrepreneur, but I would be challenged to run my own business, because then I would have to pay for my CGM out of pocket, and it is expensive!  And that would be on top of my other diabetes supplies.  

So the tension and emotion in the room was high, and intense, and it was necessary.  Because we need to have people fight for this, and to be emotional, and to be intense – those are the drivers that will move this forward.  But you know what we need more of?  

Voices.  Bodies.  People.  

We need so many more people to speak up, speak out, reach out – to their MPP’s and MP’s.  We need people to call, to write letters, to show up at Queen’s Park, and in Ottawa.  We need to have demonstrations and gatherings, where the people we have elected to power actually see us, see the huge number of us affected by this disease.

There were funding cuts to Autism programs this past year, and parents of kids with Autism said a big fat no! And because there were so many of them, and because they kept saying no, and because they would not stop, and because they kept showing up in front of politicians’ doors, they were finally heard. 

We, in the type 1 community, need to learn from these amazing parents, who fought for their kids.  We need to harness all our voices, and concentrate them together, so we present a loud and united front, one that politicians cannot ignore, so we can all have equal access to CGM’s and FGM’s, because they are life-saving, and life-changing.

Thanks for reading this post of That Stupid Pancreas!

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Till next time, Type 1 Warriors!


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